KandiLand 01
Located at the Storefront in St. Louis, MO from 8pm-1am when our event will merge with another event on Dec. 31st 2005. Check back on the 30th for directions to the venue, or call 314.479.4100 on the 31st between 5-7:30pm. Admission is one bag of beads. If you choose to bring speciality beads, please bring two bags as there are significantly less beads in those bags. Make sure you purchase plastic pony beads, or the foam beads. Be creative, but keep in mind safety and cost. Bring you own elastic or other string for kandi making, the beads will be shared. Please bring music, vinyl, mp3s, and CDs for the event. Potluck DJing - come out and try your hand.
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 12/27/2005 03:31:00 PM