At risk of offending a few of my good friends I have to say ... I absolutely despise the coventional girlishness that they all have. Just that tinge of superficial fakery makes me absolutely vomit. I simply cannot stand the way they smile and act nice and say the most absolutely ridiculous things: like they can't respect drug users ... And they get positively smashed from Thursday to Monday. Furthermore, they surround themselves with similar types who get smashed.
And heaven forbid them have a good time doing ANYTHING ... Unless, of course, they are smashed. Let's never enjoy ourselves sober and actually, everything simply MUST be met with utter disdain.
No boy will be good enough, but we can always pretend so we can rip him down in private. In fact, let's be catty and rip everyone while they're not around.
Maybe I'm just not a girl. Maybe I was raised better than that - or rather maybe I was raised to do that and it didn't' really get me anywhere. Maybe I grew up ... I'm not sure but I really can't stand it.
Some of them would be very lovely girls I'm sure if they focused on something more than six figure salaries, cute boys (which incidently they couldn't possibly work the nerve up to talk to unless they were wasted), and designer jeans.
As for me ... who really wants to dress in the J Crew catalogue? It's so bland. That's my problem with them ... They're just so bland. Why would you settle for that when you could have so much more if you were just willing to sacrifice a little more maybe? Perhaps be a little more free and natural and someone might actually find you beautiful - rather than just pretty. Live a little and it could bring some colour to your bland personality.
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 10/24/2005 06:59:00 PM