"permalin" <$BlogRSDUrl$>
Baby, the Stars Shine Brite

The secret life of a girl.the strange confessions and dirty little secrets of a girl.

We'll always be together

Psycho Therapy, Psycho Therapy! 
So another new not - really that intellectual post goal (mostly just to get me in the habit of posting):
Monthly goals. I have them, I think putting them on the blog might help me actually do them so
Stop breaking my nails and grow them out enough to get a manicure by Valentines Day.

Otherwise - New semester, new stress, new job.

I *hate* psych. majors though. Psych. majors are by far the stupidest group of students I've met overall. In a class on the psychology of oppression (of which there is no such thing, but looking at the effects of oppression I guess.) However, I've heard a number of stupid things but what irks me most:
- a lack of understanding of Foucault and his model of power and how it works: integral to understanding and dealing with oppression I think. It works like this, power is an intangible idea/action/thing passed from one person or group to another person or group in varying degrees. No one is powerless in that they are without power, but people have varying degrees of power. For the most part in the United States white, heterosexual, males have the most power leaving the rest of the population with varying degrees of less power than them. Power works on the unconscious level along with bias that creates power inequities: so just because someone believes people are equally entitled to something does not mean they won't be biased towards the white male since that is the cultural bias. Now here's where it gets tricky: People have the Power to change society; this takes individual action *but* (and this is a big but kids...) one has to be able to understand how Power works and Oppression in the first place otherwise the changes will just change how the oppression is practiced and then it morphs into something new - like a chameleon. Power operates at the unconscious level by symbols throughout our world - symbols like words and ceremonies.

Second: women are NOT a Class. A group yes, but no - women don't qualify as a class. End of story.

posted by Tragic the Pixie @ 1/25/2007 05:23:00 PM

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"Father Forgive Me" (later renamed "Baby, the Stars Shine Brite") was started in the hope that a confessional blog would be entertaining reading as well as intellectual. After being neglected for some years is now, rather anonymously written in the hopes of hashing out thoughts in a somewhat intelligent manner. Aside from the writer of this blog, I am a university student majoring in Women's Studies and minoring in English at a prominent Catholic university in Middle America. A dedicated liberal - I also throw and participate fully in raves and rave culture from DJing, to lights and sound crew, to doing homework in legal libraries I'll be there - in true Riot Grrrl style: usually a miniskirt, combat boots, and wildly dyed hair. Aside from considering law school and entering politics I hope to start an organization wherever I end up providing a safe place for teenage girls (and boys) and helping their voices be heard as well as providing information on sex, condoms, and anything under the sun that kids may need. I am currently engaged to a wonderful man and hope to be married sometime around November of 2008.
Together in electric dreams
Book: How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America Freedom Politics and the War on Sex (Christina Page)
Music: The Valley of the Shadow of Death: The Tossers
Film: Pan's Labyrinth
Nothing in the world can touch us
Previous Posts
  • I have a million things to do before spring break ...
  • Getting to the Bottom of Pro-Ana
  • What Four Years at a Catholic University Has Taugh...
  • Anna Nicole as Cultural Icon
  • Psycho Therapy, Psycho Therapy!
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  • What? You Mean Miss USA Should Be Punished for Ac...
  • No, I don't believe in the wasting of time; but I ...
  • I &hearts internet shopping

  • I'm gonna be forever young
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    Do you really want to live forever, forever, and ever?

    do really want to be forever young?
    Author: TragicPixie
    Image by Mizuno Junko
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