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Baby, the Stars Shine Brite

The secret life of a girl.the strange confessions and dirty little secrets of a girl.

We'll always be together

Maybe I just don't find any of my courses that captivating. Maybe I lost motivation exceptionally early this semester...
Or maybe I actually have a legitimate concern. At this point, I really can't tell. I'm sure if I drink another bottle or two of wine I might have a conclusion....

But I'm distracted. Distracted by a job that while it looked promising - actually turns out to be completely and utterly disappointing. I'm stifled. I can't stand the way art is treated as too sacred - not to be interacted with. I can't help but think to myself my bosses absolutely miss the point of all the pieces in the museum - or of art in general. The point is to fucking MOVE you. Yup, that's right: Move. But this is an immovable environment. Entirely.
Secondly I'm disgusted by the chauvinism I for lack of a better option put up with. Maybe it's because I'm just plain oversensative, maybe it's because I have green hair - one really can't be sure - but I'm constantly singled out I think for one thing or another. Often times it's because I am not "looking busy" enough - which, I personally think is a stupid way to run your business you may have hired too many people if your employees regularly have to pretend to be busy.

To add to it, I am constantly distracted by the way women and less privileged people get outright exploited. By building management, by university systems, and of course, by students who refuse to acknowledge that people serving their meals and ringing up purchases exist. For example, it's been brought to my attention that the very building I live in - which has a large government subsidized population regularly inspects apartments for housekeeping standards on the basis of sanitation. It's not this exact practice I object to - after all,, I suppose it's something to do albeit it sounds a bit fishy to me in the first place and I have many friends with apartments who have never encountered such a practice. (As upper middle class white kids - I would almost bet that no building management would try to do something like this in a building inhabited mostly by such a population.) However, I am entirely certain that a building must inform the occupant before such an inspection takes place. Alas, they do not; the result? I really think invasion of privacy. Now, perhaps there's something to be said for the fact that undergarments and jewelry or anything one would not want the world to necessarily see shouldn't be left out: But frankly that sounds like an argument mom would make for no real reason other than social nicety. When one lives alone and knows for sure (or can be reasonably sure) that no one will come over there is no real reason to say, put an expensive pair of earrings up immediately, chances are they'll be ok on the bedside table until the weekend when one had more freetime for housekeeping.
unfortunately, if you live in my building apparently that's too much of an assumption to make - because people will be entering your apartment unannounced to "inspect" I personally object - I don't want people in my apartment when I don't know they're coming or without me at all really. I will let the bug guy come spray, however, I need notice and it's not as if these visits aren't without interruption. As a student I unfortunately don't have the free time I'd like. I barely can manage to get all my reading done in the week - and rarely these days on time. Between the uncomfortable job and my usual classes I get little chance to participate in the activies I would like to. I have to say housekeeping gets done once a week if that - and only if I have people over, not necessarily on those weekends that get lost in the library. If it weren't for my other half, I daresay I'd take to eating out every night because I can read while waiting on the meal and there aren't any dishes. In fact - the "dishes" that are usually to be done consist of cocktail or wine glasses and cans of diet coke.
I digress - the point I'm trying to get at here is how much does these apartment inspections and being treated badly in a job that it's known I cannot really afford to quit have to do with socio-economic class? I'm starting to realize actually quite a lot - and I find that overall very, very distressing.

posted by Tragic the Pixie @ 11/08/2006 09:30:00 PM

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"Father Forgive Me" (later renamed "Baby, the Stars Shine Brite") was started in the hope that a confessional blog would be entertaining reading as well as intellectual. After being neglected for some years is now, rather anonymously written in the hopes of hashing out thoughts in a somewhat intelligent manner. Aside from the writer of this blog, I am a university student majoring in Women's Studies and minoring in English at a prominent Catholic university in Middle America. A dedicated liberal - I also throw and participate fully in raves and rave culture from DJing, to lights and sound crew, to doing homework in legal libraries I'll be there - in true Riot Grrrl style: usually a miniskirt, combat boots, and wildly dyed hair. Aside from considering law school and entering politics I hope to start an organization wherever I end up providing a safe place for teenage girls (and boys) and helping their voices be heard as well as providing information on sex, condoms, and anything under the sun that kids may need. I am currently engaged to a wonderful man and hope to be married sometime around November of 2008.
Together in electric dreams
Book: How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America Freedom Politics and the War on Sex (Christina Page)
Music: The Valley of the Shadow of Death: The Tossers
Film: Pan's Labyrinth
Nothing in the world can touch us
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  • The Secret Rules of Engagement
  • Yes - You're Damn Right I'm Angry..
  • Fox News is Retarded.

  • I'm gonna be forever young
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    Do you really want to live forever, forever, and ever?

    do really want to be forever young?
    Author: TragicPixie
    Image by Mizuno Junko
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