There's this interesting thing: although I am getting married for various political (legal) and social reasons ... I must admit, I do not believe in this institution we call marriage.
Let us not forget, when marriage is presented in a religious concept in the most of the world we are talking about something springing from a Judeo-Christian foundation: which was based on the ownership of women by a certain man.
I do not believe I should be owned. I believe I should stand on my own two feet before any god or social entity. - At the same time I realize for many reasons not have designated someone who shares my values and respects me as a person able to stand in for me and make desions when I am not capable, will hurt me.
Civil marriage evolved, like so many things, in Greece where it was necessary since women were considered so far below men they needed incentive to keep the race going. Okay - so maybe in actuality things weren't THAT terrible, the but idea is nonetheless that and that violent. This is where the idea of civilly arranging those who are less than human (women or children) with men to make them count (almost as chattel) as a society originated.
I also do not see myself as a slave - and I do not want to be a "wife."
What I do seek - and what I think many seek who choose marriage is to be and to have a partner. (I afterall do not want a Husband.) That being said I do not think the institution of marriage can be completely divorced from its orgins. Afterall, a mere fifty years ago marriage was quite simply life - nearly necessary for economic survival, right along with domestic violence (afterall, husbands have a right to discipline their wives... What did you do to deserve it?) and compulsory motherhood.
individuals do of course divorce their marriage and their ideas from these concepts, claiming history is history, they exist completely outside of society, etc. This is, quite frankly, bullshit. We are ALL culturally influenced and constructed. Our institutions are as well. The only way for us to change the institution of marriage into a fully-human institution is to allow marriages between equals: rather than keep the basis on the inequality of male-female alliance. Therefore, until gay marriage is accept universally, one cannot separate marriage from what it always has been.
This does not mean however that individuals cannot do their part for whatever reason enter into a civil marriage and strive to create partners in lieu of Husband and wife.
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 7/08/2006 12:53:00 AM