Gay Pride Display Removed By Macy's
June 7, 2006 12:46 p.m. EST
Richard Rittierodt - All Headline News Contributor
Boston, MA (AHN) - After getting a string of complaints that a certain display was offensive, a Macy's department store removed part of a window display marking Boston's gay pride week.
Two male mannequins, with one wearing a gay pride rainbow flag around his waist, were part of the display. Right next to the mannequins was a list of the events to take place during the week.
MassResistance, which has campaigned against gay marriages and gay themed textbooks in public schools, objected to the display and had many of their supporters complain to Macy's about the display.
Elina Kazan, a Macy's spokeswoman, stated that because of the complaints, Macy's would remove the two mannequins from the display but leave the list of events up. She also stated that the mannequins were not used in previous years for the display.
Kazan says, "We believe in diversity, and our customers are very important to us. But the display did offend a few of our customers, and we had to re-examine it."
However, the move seems to not be sitting so well with the ACLU, who criticized Macy's for giving into an anti-gay group..
( All Headline News
Okay - so really quickly I have to say whoever it was just on Fox news daily talk news thing has got PROBLEMS. You hear that America? Problems.
When a "news" station: or the media at all cannot offer real political criticsm and instead wants to make references to pecs/breasts on manikins that were in a store display window - I think we can stop pretending this particular source is serious at all. I'm sorry, but if your pundit just talked about breasts and made conjectures for about fifteen minutes I MUST remind you that as a woman, I have breasts and so do all males. If manikins having breasts or pectoral muscles offends you - get some therapy.
Please, don't make me vomit with your bullshit.
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 6/09/2006 01:00:00 PM