As a feminist - I see a pattern in women's lives virtually around the world: that of waiting. You're always waiting for something. Dorothy Parker said it best "All your life you wait around for some damn man!" I'm always waiting ... for the phone to ring, for an e-mail (and how sad is THAT), for results, for a ring, for everything under the sun. I'm trying to fix this really I am but how can you fix years of conditioning?
Of course, they never call. If they do call, they weren't really needed and if they don't call it was the only time it really mattered.
But for now - It's the last Hullabaloo this weekend. I'm off for some more irresponsibility in Toronto and hopefully upon my return this time this computer won't die and there will ACTUALLY be an update. No sex (sorry guys) because on principal, I am holding out. If you can't call, and can't treat me like a person (and no, I don't care if you're sick that does not affect your cell phone) you don't get to play. I'm not a piece of meat ... And if sex were like cooking ... I can cook for myself better and in half the time! It's true, cooking alone can leave one satisfied but not alive and crashing into life and salt and sweat and that ecstasy with someone else; but hey ... I'll take satisfied, dead, at night alone I marry the bed over being a piece of meat for someone to devour.
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 4/28/2005 11:38:00 PM