I am not a mother woman. I do not have some need to help others or preform acts of "mothering." I would be terribly unhappy, I should think, in a profession like nursing (which is much more suited to mother women). Any nurturing behaviour tendencies my grandmother conditioned into me were painfully successfully erased by my own mother before puberty.
So furthermore, I am uncomfortable with mother women. It's been years since I read
The Awakening, but I think it's something like that of the discomfort felt by Edna during Adele's birth - oh wait ... I think that was sheer terror and distaste, which sounds about right. It's not that I dislike mothers, just because one is a physical mother does not make a mother-woman. Mother-women are women who mother everyone and everything, and this can happen with our without actually having children.
I just am NOT a mother woman, and frankly, I don't appreciate being treated like a freak for it.
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 9/02/2006 04:10:00 PM