I had an uber bad week binging and stuff.
Okay, so I basically binged/purged all day. First I dunno what I had for
breakfastbut I went running for ages until I threw up.
Then I threw up some more.
Later I ended up binging big stylee and purged a little more. But
I couldn't get it all up; so I too Ipecac. This stuff is the DEVIL. I shit you
not. I don't know why I took I probably really didn't need it. (I do NOT
encourage or condone purging; but if you're gonna do it don't use this. Why
would you want to anyway though; it ruins your pretty teeth.) I think it's
just because I was kinda panicked and desperate. Anyway; take the stuff.
Gagging for HOURS. Sweaty, sick, it's like food poisoning times 100 all at once.
Keep throwing up, it went on for like ever; long after everything was gone.
It is the devil. 'nuff said on that. Ended up feeling SO uber bad after when
people came by I looked like death warmed over. They got all concered, people
I was talking to were like "What's wrong?" and I started crying cause I felt so
awful (in all ways and respects of the word) and told some people what happened.
The result: a helluva lot of people lecturing me and stuff. It was a stupid girl
moment. Now i have to avoid them all for ages until they forget or just deny it.
Talked to a friend for hours while getting uber drunk to feel better about binging,
purging, and well getting yelled at. I have no idea what I told him, but he was
sweet and kind and stuff. Totally afraid to talk to him now and hella embarassed
though he says I shouldn't be. I am. I should be. That's just it. Not his issues
to deal with.
Not a lot here. Threw up some more from hang over. Didn't feel uber well.
Headache lasted allllllllllllllll day. Couldn't sleep so I took some sleeping pills.
Nada here
Binged once. Purged a little while afterwards. Do NOT drink Coke when you are
going to purge. It burns like the devil!
posted by
Tragic the Pixie @ 8/10/2003 10:33:00 PM